Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

The design of the House remains Beautiful (Desain Rumah Tinggal Asri)

My previous month receives the email from the Friend me who ask my help to design Lay-out his house in Bali, from design the Architect to Interriornya. He also ask for is made design MEP (Mechanical Electrical Plumbing) that cover: installasi clean water (cold water), installasi hot water (Hot water), installasi dirty water (sewage waste), the installation of the gas pipe (to kichen), installasi kichen hood (the disposal of gas Co or the livelihood), installasi AC (use AC Split the make AGAIN), installasi electrical (the layout of the panel and lighting), installasi the Data cable (for the network computer), installasi telephone, installasi cable television and still many others that are other, but because he this really count on the aspect of the environment, he this ask for me to use Mini STP (BioFile) for his waste water reception (dirty water) where in this Mini STP system, absorption water had finally had the appropriateness to in discard to nature because of being not poisonous and free the illness. Moreover is inspected from the aspect of the aspect of the environment has been recommended by his use For the Villa or the Hotel has stars so as to not pollute the ground water around it. Because his House is rather big, I make well thought out planning so that the design that is produced could satisfy many sides, wala also still many lacks because of remembering his budget is supervised 1M, so must be thought about by the very material use local with the price is covered. That is somewhat disappointing am: he defines the price that is too cheap for his MEP design (Mechanical Electrical plumbing), am difficult indeed explain to him that actually the Mini STP implement that is drafted by me to sitem his dirty water indeed his price is relatively expensive. Upper his permission I write postingan this as the process pembelajaran. That is, how the stage that is exact in building the ideal house that has the aspect of the health and environment-friendly so as the waste of the household that is produced does not pollute the environment.
Sebulan yang lalu saya menerima email dari Teman Saya yang meminta bantuan saya untuk mendesain Lay-out rumahnya di Bali, dari design Arsitek hingga Interriornya. Beliau juga meminta dibuatkan design MEP (Mechanical Electrical Plumbing) yang meliputi : installasi air bersih(cold water), installasi air panas (Hot water), installasi air kotor (sewage waste), instalasi pipa gas (untuk kichen), installasi kichen hood (pembuangan gas CO atau asap dapur), installasi AC (menggunakan AC Split merk LG), installasi kelistrikan (tata letak panel dan lighting), installasi kabel Data (untuk komputer jaringan), installasi telepon, installasi televisi kabel dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya, tapi karena beliau ini sangat memperhitungkan aspek lingkungan, beliau ini meminta saya untuk menggunakan Mini STP (BioFile) untuk penampungan air limbahnya (air kotor) dimana pada sistem Mini STP ini, air resapan akhirnya sudah memiliki kelayakan untuk di buang ke alam karena tidak beracun dan bebas penyakit. Lagipula ditinjau dari segi aspek lingkungan sudah dianjurkan penggunaannya untuk Villa ataupun Hotel berbintang sehingga tidak akan mencemari air tanah di sekitarnya.
Karena Rumah beliau agak besar, saya membuat perencanaan yang matang agar desain yang dihasilkan bisa memuaskan banyak pihak, walapun masih banyak kekurangan karena mengingat anggaran beliau dibawah 1M, jadi harus dipikirkan penggunaan material-material lokal dengan harga terjangkau. Yang sedikit mengecewakan adalah: beliau mematok harga yang terlalu murah untuk desain MEP-nya (Mechanical Electrical plumbing), sulit memang menjelaskan kepada beliau bahwa sesungguhnya alat Mini STP yang saya rancang untuk sitem air kotornya memang harganya relatif mahal.
Atas seijin beliau saya menulis postingan ini sebagai proses pembelajaran. Yaitu, bagaimanakah tahapan yang tepat dalam membangun rumah idaman yang memiliki aspek kesehatan dan ramah lingkungan sehingga limbah rumah tangga yang dihasilkan tidak mencemari lingkungan.
Property world developments at this time are very fast, this is marked by the number of developments of property units, for example: the apartment or the luxurious exclusive condominium or the development of simple cute houses. Along with these property world developments, the requirement for the community would the house has in recent times been very high. If the budget is more insufficient to buy the house that middle end, the cute or simple house then does not become the obstacle to bringing about the wish to have the house. Almost all the developers offer the lot or the cute house product, because of the height of the requirement for the community would the house/the residence, then only in a short time can be sold by hundreds of house units. The problem is, many developers make use of this momentum constructively the cute house with facilities and the environment that just sufficient like that uptil now we know, that is the House is Very Simple (RSS). Describe the cute house with the condition like that already the time is changed. The consumer is the king, humankind also that properly is given that is best. The house must be beautiful, healthy, and am friendly towards the environment. So the key word Some sort measurement houses, including building or choosing the cute house. The cute house that is marketed usually has the maximal area 100 square metre with the measurement of the variation 6 times 15 m., 7 times 15m, or 8 times 12 m., and the form of the building of the standard house.
Beautiful must not be always expensive. Wise and smart design creativity can precisely bring about the frugal cute house the building materials and investigate all the limitations, both the fund and the land. The beautiful concept can be translated in the form of the pertinent house plan and is easy the maintenance. The limitations of the land push the development of the cute house stratified. The space plan is open and minimal the wall of restraint, good the wall, the wall, or the door, make space be felt spacious. The merging of the function of space is matched with the requirement for occupants. Carport, the terrace, and the front garden are made function as the sitting room, space plays the child, park the vehicle, even the meeting of RT/RW. Space in being maximised as the lounge room and the dining room. The function of the lounge room, the classroom, and children's bedroom can be also placed on the upper floor as far as the roof cellar (attic). The garden and the terrace behind is made use of as the dining room am open, the lounge room, and the child's classroom, with different time. The bathroom is space that needs the handling and the special maintenance, from the utility of sanitation, the main device, and The flooring from the ceramics or terrazzo bertekstur rough is meant in order to not slip and measuring small to widen the space impression. The limitations of the area can be made the dry bathroom with shower box am closed have walls of glasses or the plastic curtain. The appointment septic the tank although being placed in the front garden, but his distance am still relative close to the water pump so as to long-term can pollute the ground water. So, must be considered repeated the appointment septic the collective tank is shifted in environmental gardens.
The kitchen arrangement is very practical join with the dining room or in the terrace behind (the dining room is open). The concept of the house of the public provide the bedroom and the auxiliary bathroom behind, below, or above close to service space, wash, and put in the sun to dry. Currently the design of service space, wash, and put in the sun to dry, the bedroom and the auxiliary bathroom as well as the dirty kitchen are placed at the front of the house, am neighbouring with the lounge room appear carport. View of artistic the house does not need the expensive material. The wall of the house from bricks and bricks with the wall resolution expose or the combination of plaster with the careful and neat execution, or also can use the wall of the steel plate. The ceramics KW-2, KW-3, or unique terrazzo also is not inferior attract him beautify the floor of the house. Not precission the material can be still being investigated with space wide. The contents of house furnishings must be multipurpose, in accordance with the priority in the requirement for the family, and proportional between the measurement equipment and the area of space. The table, the sofa, the sofa, low the wash-basin, as far as the ladder cellar is maximised as the place And spread in accordance with the requirement for the function of space so as to need not make the warehouse. The floor resolution, the wall, and furnishings with the colour and/or the similar material to outside space as far as space in giving the area impression of imaginary space. Gradations of the blend of the colour that is exact in each kind of space also take part in influencing the area impression of space at the same time giving the psychological effect (psychological therapy) to occupants of the house. Unity of the theme and the colour will help the house to seem to be arranged and spacious, between the floor (dark), the wall and furnishings (while), and the ceiling roof (obviously). The cute HOUSE must also be healthy. The house is the place of physical and mental health therapy occupants, good in healthy time, in recuperation, or am sick. The place house relaxsation restore the freshness of the body. The electricity crisis and the electricity tariff that continue to rise must be anticipated with the priority in the use of electricity equipment and the design of the house of the energy opinion. The optimisation of the sun rays as the source of the natural illumination the house along morning-the afternoon and the moon rays and the star tonight. The optimisation of the sun rays and the circulation With the door aperture and the window with wide and long until touching the floor, high the minimal ceiling 2,75 metre, as well as skylight on the dining room, the bathroom, or the upper bedroom will give the expansion of imaginary space.
Each kind of space is striven for get the sun rays and fresh air that are good for the health of the house and occupants as well as the pocket of occupants. The house can in fact minimise the use of the air cooler (AC), the ventilator, and light, especially during the day. The mirror fitting to one of the walls, like in the terrace, the lounge room, and the bathroom, will increase the imaginary area of the room. The wall decoration with the painting, the photograph of the family, the certificate, the poster, or the ethnic object as the attention point increases the life of the atmosphere of space at the same time giving psychological therapy to occupants. The narrow page can be made function as the absorption garden of water (the dry garden) with the simple structure from beneath above, the pumice, palm fibre, coral, rough sand, and the land/coral/gravel, with the heterogenous thickness in accordance with the condition for the land. Planting of the tree in the front garden (that most enable) compared with the garden behind am the supplier of oxygen at the same time giving calm and coolness to occupants. In the morning, occupants continue to be suggested open the window and the door to guarantee the availability of the sun rays and air fresh enter And replace stuffy air in the house. The cute house will be more comfortable if the problem of the availability and the quality is of clean water that is received from Pam, the hands pump, or the machine pump paid attention to well, moreover if the clean water difficulty in the dry season happening. Then, how must the system of the waste management be also studied carefully, is managed personally (recycling) or is provided the place of the temporary reception. Apart from matters that has been mentioned above, along with this am several tips that can be used to maximise the design of your cute house:
USE Mirror
The Mirror creates the area impression to space. Use the mirror in the area of the dining table or the lounge room. The mirror with the big measurement in the exact place produces the effect of strong space. Before the mirror is placed in the wall, we can try-please beforehand his appointment in several places to know his effect on space
Use designs of BUILT-IN
The design built-in create the simple space impression and make space wider. Moreover can reduce the purchase cost furniture. For example in sleep space, the cupboard can be made “menempel” to the wall or inside gypsum. We must only make the procession inside and make his door until reducing the production cost furniture. The cupboard interior can be covered wallpaper to sweeter.
For Example for the dining table. Use the small dining table and is placed cling the wall with 4 seats. The seat that is used better puff so as the space impression is wider. Use also coffee table and credenza that is measuring small.
CHOOSE FURNITURE make an impression Simple
Don't choose furniture that “weight” and thick. Search furniture that is thin and have the shape of the framework, not the field. For example to credenza the tv, choose furniture lean, don't that is full down to the floor.
Maximise the PLACE storage
Use as maximally as possible furniture for the place of the storage. For example to make drawers under the bed, nakas that can keep the thing, credenza that can contain magazines and all furniture other. With many storages will reduce things that are allowed not good position and if the charcoal improves often need not make again the place storage.
Don't let the hollow wall too big. The hollow wall can be filled up with the painting or the decoration. Don't also is made too much am full. But just adequate so as the building is not impressed empty and cold.