Overview History of Professional Appraisal Service in Indonesia

a. Viewed from the history of its development

Appraisal services business in Indonesia has only known at the beginning of the year 1970, since the investment activities in various fields of economy began to grow in line with the implementation of PELITA I ( five-year development) . Looking at these developments and to provide legal certainty and try to entrepreneurs engaged in this, then approximately seven years later the Minister of Trade issued Decree No. 161/VI/77 governing the appraisal business licensing services in Indonesia and is still enforced.

b. The development appraisal profession in Indonesia


Initially, the agency most commonly used services is a bank appraiser, in determining the value of the collateral for the credit market, which would not be detrimental both for the owner of the collateral for a bank or lender. The most common items used as collateral is real property or property in the form of land with all things attached to it. Especially for banks, mortgage providers, appraisal services necessary to assess the price of houses to be purchased by mortgage applicants as a basis for determining the amount of mortgage that can be given.


At this stage there developments in the profession. If at first the development of appraisal services is still limited to the valuation of assets for collateral purposes and granting a mortgage loan, then the current in its development, appraisal services firm has conducted the assessment service objects to the scope of the broader activities with different goals. Object assessment has also included some types of assets / property, whether commercial or non-commercial nature, tangible (tangible) and intangible assets (intangible), and securities. Similarly, the scope of the growing business appraisal services include economic valuation of property, judgment of the project, monitoring of the project, the assessment of technical feasibility, property management, assistance to the process of sale and purchase / lease a property (property agent), and assessing the feasibility of the proposed project


Current appraisal services is also necessary for companies that will "go public" to convey information about the companies that need to be known by the people who are interested in buying its shares. Taxation agencies can also take advantage of appraisal services for example in the determination of the Tax Object Sale Value of Land and Building Tax (NJOP UN) and Value Added Tax which became the basis for determining taxes to be paid. In addition to these types of appraisal services, appraisal services company in its development, also provides consultancy for a property, in order to formulate recommendations intended development project. Consultants in the property business scope is broad enough include marketing consulting, project feasibility, project management and others. Here it appears that the significance of appraisal and property consulting services is very large. Guide service here is useful to keep the creation of a balanced exchange rate and a place for private parties to consult to develop its properties. Institutions that provide appraisal services and property consultants is standing as an independent institution in order to maintain his professionalism. The institute is working not only protect the interests of the government but also private interests


Furthermore, the development of conditions that occur when this is by the rapid growth of cities of Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia due to significant changes in economic activity and the development of the global economy, making foreign investors have the freedom to make investments in the region most favorable for business. For that, they desperately need any information about property investment as a referral in respect of investment. In this regard, the role of Property Information System will be very useful for securing investment in Indonesia. In addition, the role of consulting services and investment intermediaries will increase and needed in the future. Besides functioning as intermediaries of foreign investors who want to invest in Indonesia, the appraiser is also a consultant to assist Indonesian investors looking for partners abroad.

In line with these developments, until recently, valuation and property consulting services provide the following services:

1. Research (research)

2. Property appraisals (property appraiser)

3. Project monitoring (project oversight)

4. Property marketing (marketing properties)

5. Development consultancy (feasibility study)

6. Project management & monitoring (supervision and project management)

7. Property Management (property management)

8. Asset management (asset management)

9. Investment & funding arrangement (set-up of investment and financing)

10. Investment analysis (investment analysis)

c. Assessor own professional associations have long enough to develop a variety of things related to increased professionalism and credibility of this profession in the eyes of service users. There are several achievements that need to be explained here, namely:

• Education tiered skills which are carried out regularly by the association in cooperation with departmental supervisors, namely the Ministry of Finance and department of industry and trade

• Accreditation of expertise and professionalism of Indonesia through the implementation of USP Assessor (Appraiser Certification Examination) which was ratified by the Ministry of Finance, which is armed with this letter, an appraiser has the right to sign a statement of the legal and formal assessment.

• Increased accountability and expertise through the development of Standard Assessment of Indonesia (SPI) in 2000 which is the SPI 2002 is the reference of all parties in the implementation of assessment in Indonesia.

• Increased professional credibility with the development of the Code Assessor Appraiser Indonesia (KEPI) that provide direction and oversight in the implementation of judgment in Indonesia.

• Preparation of the Assessment Act will further strengthen the legitimacy, credibility and professionalism guide in Indonesia in the framework of the coming era of globalization.

Development today demands appraisal organizations or professional associations to be able to independently develop themselves and build themselves to respond to various challenges of a very rapidly changing era. The concept of an SRO (Self-Regulation Organization) is the destination of the current major professional organizations

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